Which Is The Best Under The Eye Filler?

The quest for youthful, radiant skin often leads us to explore various cosmetic treatments, and under-eye fillers have gained popularity for their ability to address concerns such as dark circles, hollows, and fine lines. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right under-eye filler for your needs. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best under-eye fillers on the market to help you achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Understanding Under Eye Fillers

What Are Under Eye Fillers?: Under eye fillers, also known as tear trough fillers or under-eye injections, are cosmetic treatments designed to add volume and improve the appearance of the under-eye area. They typically consist of hyaluronic acid-based injectable gels, which are carefully administered by trained medical professionals to address concerns such as hollowing, dark circles, and fine lines.

How Do Under Eye Fillers Work?: Under eye fillers work by replenishing lost volume and stimulating collagen production in the delicate under-eye area. The hyaluronic acid gel attracts and retains moisture, hydrating the skin and plumping up hollow areas. This results in a smoother, more youthful appearance, with reduced visibility of dark circles and wrinkles.

Benefits of Under Eye Fillers: Under eye fillers offer numerous benefits, including immediate results, minimal downtime, and natural-looking outcomes. They can help improve the appearance of tired, sunken eyes, restore lost volume, and rejuvenate the overall appearance of the face. Additionally, under eye fillers are a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures, making them a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their under-eye area without undergoing surgery.

The Best Under Eye Fillers

Restylane: Restylane is a leading hyaluronic acid filler known for its ability to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, including those in the under-eye area. With its patented NASHA (Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid) technology, Restylane provides long-lasting results and a natural-looking finish. It’s a popular choice among both patients and practitioners for its safety profile and effectiveness in treating under-eye concerns.

Juvederm: Juvederm is another hyaluronic acid filler widely used for under-eye rejuvenation. With its smooth gel consistency and built-in lidocaine for added comfort, Juvederm helps to restore volume and hydration to the under-eye area, reducing the appearance of dark circles and hollows. Juvederm fillers are FDA-approved and offer predictable, long-lasting results with minimal downtime.

Belotero: Belotero is a versatile hyaluronic acid filler that’s specifically formulated for use in delicate areas such as the under eyes. Its unique Cohesive Polydensified Matrix (CPM) technology allows for smooth, even distribution and integration with the surrounding tissues, resulting in natural-looking results that last. Belotero is an excellent choice for addressing fine lines, hollows, and other under-eye concerns.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) fillers are another option for under-eye rejuvenation. CaHA fillers contain tiny particles of calcium suspended in a gel-like solution. When injected into the under-eye area, these particles stimulate collagen production, leading to improved skin elasticity and firmness over time.

One popular CaHA filler used for under-eye treatment is Radiesse. Radiesse is FDA-approved for cosmetic use and can help reduce the appearance of dark circles, hollows, and wrinkles around the eyes. It provides immediate volume correction and continues to stimulate collagen production for long-lasting results.

Choosing the Right Under Eye Filler

Consultation with a Qualified Provider: When choosing an under-eye filler, it’s essential to schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced medical provider. During the consultation, your provider will assess your unique concerns, skin type, and aesthetic goals to determine the most suitable filler and treatment plan for you.

Consideration of Safety and Effectiveness: While there are several options available, it’s important to prioritize safety and effectiveness when selecting an under-eye filler. Opt for FDA-approved fillers administered by trained medical professionals in a reputable medical setting to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications.

Personalized Treatment Approach: Keep in mind that the best under-eye filler for you will depend on factors such as your skin condition, desired outcome, and budget. Your provider will work with you to develop a personalized treatment approach that addresses your specific concerns and achieves your aesthetic goals, ensuring that you achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results.


Under eye fillers offer a safe and effective solution for rejuvenating the under-eye area and achieving a more youthful appearance. By understanding the different filler options available and consulting with a qualified provider, you can find the best under-eye filler to address your concerns and enhance your natural beauty.

What is Jawline Contouring? Does it Work?

A chiseled jawline is increasingly popular as an aesthetic goal to enhance one’s facial appearance. Jawline contouring procedures aim to define and sharpen the jawline through various techniques. As you consider options to improve your jawline definition, understanding exactly what jawline contouring entails and its effectiveness can help determine if it may be right for you.

What is Jawline Contouring?

Jawline contouring refers to procedures that target the jaw area to create a more structured look. Common concerns include lack of jawline definition, excess fat or fullness along the jaw, or an under projected chin. The overall goal is to enhance the angularity of the jawline to achieve a more youthful and sculpted facial profile.

The specific approach depends on individual anatomy and aesthetic objectives. Available options range from nonsurgical dermal filler injections to chin augmentation surgery. The chosen technique alters the jaw’s dimensions for optimal facial balance and a sharply contoured appearance.

Dermal Filler Contouring Treatments

Dermal filler injections along the jaw can add a definition for moderate enhancement without surgery. Hyaluronic acid fillers are used for adjusting facial contours. Strategic placement of the filler product bolsters volume along the jawline to sharpen its angle and create a slimming effect.

Results from filler injections are immediate but not permanent. 

While initially dramatic looking, maintenance sessions are needed to sustain the sculpted jawline as the fillers gradually dissipate. Yet dermal fillers pose a low-risk option for non-invasive recontouring.

Surgical Reshaping Approaches

For permanent jawline transformation, surgical contouring delivers longer-lasting refinement. Two main procedures include:

  • Chin augmentation – Implants or cartilage grafting to enlarge the chin. Augmentation helps balance facial proportions for better-defined jaw angles.
  • Liposuction – Eliminates fat deposits along the jaw and under the chin. Removal of fullness slims the lower face for improved contour.

Such surgical enhancement options require an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Procedures are tailored during an initial consultation based on your anatomy and particular trouble spots needing correction.

Does Jawline Contouring Work?

Outcomes depend on the specific technique as well as one’s facial structure. Nonsurgical filler injections offer instantly visible but temporary increase the volume. Maintaining the achieved contour requires repeat treatments over time.

Meanwhile, actual bone and tissue modification from surgical contouring brings longer-lasting refinements. But, surgery comes with extended recovery and higher risks for complications.

Most importantly, realistic expectations are necessary when considering any jawline-enhancing procedures. Understanding limitations based on your unique anatomy helps set appropriate goals.


Overall, jawline contouring offers men and women a viable approach to facial profile enhancement. The array of options allows customization based on each patient’s needs and cosmetic vision. By carefully researching experienced surgeons and procedures well suited to your anatomy, jawline goals can become a reality. 

If you are in Kitchener-Waterloo area and thinking of getting jaw contouring, schedule an appointment with Sunshine Cosmetic Clinic & Medi Spa. Your experience with us will be great.

What To Expect For Your First-Time Dermal Filler Treatment?

If you’re considering a dermal filler treatment, you might be wondering what the experience will be like. Fear not! We’re here to walk you through the process step by step in simple terms. Let’s dive in!

Before Your Appointment


Before your treatment, you’ll likely have a consultation with a trained professional. This is the time to discuss your goals and ask any questions you may have. Don’t hesitate to share your concerns, allergies, or medical history.


It’s usually a good idea to avoid certain things before your appointment, like alcohol and blood-thinning medications, to minimize bruising risk. Follow your provider’s instructions carefully.

The Treatment Day


On the day of your appointment, arrive a bit early to complete any necessary paperwork. This is also the time to discuss any last-minute concerns with your provider.


Dermal filler treatment may involve a numbing cream or local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. However, this procedure can be unnecessary as today mainstream dermal filler brands are already formulated with lidocaine to reduce pain. Lidocaine can also help reduce bruising and swelling, promoting quicker recovery. 

The Injection: 

Your provider will use a very fine needle to inject the dermal filler into the targeted areas. You might feel a slight pinch from the needle, but it’s usually not painful. They might also use a cannula, which is a thin, flexible tube. The whole process is usually quick, taking about 15-30 minutes, depending on the area(s) being treated.

During the Procedure


Stay in touch with your provider during the procedure. If you feel any discomfort or have questions, don’t hesitate to speak up. They can adjust their technique to ensure you’re comfortable.


Your provider will carefully monitor the amount of filler being injected to achieve the desired results. They might use a mirror so you can see the progress.

Immediate Results: 

You’ll notice immediate changes in the treated areas. However, there might be some swelling or redness initially, which is normal and temporary.

Aftercare and Recovery

Post-Treatment Care: 

Your provider will give you specific aftercare instructions. This might include avoiding vigorous exercise, saunas, or excessive sun exposure for a few days. Following these guidelines will help optimize your results.

Swelling and Bruising: 

It’s common to experience some swelling and possibly bruising after the treatment. Applying a cold compress can help reduce these effects. They should subside within a few days.


Over the next few weeks, you’ll see the full results as any initial swelling goes down. Dermal fillers are not permanent, so you might need touch-up sessions to maintain your desired look.

Enjoy Your New Look: 

Most importantly, enjoy your refreshed appearance! Dermal fillers can enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence.


Dermal filler treatments are a popular and effective way to rejuvenate your appearance. Remember, the process is quite straightforward. Consultation, numbing, injections, and aftercare – that’s the basic outline. It’s a minimally invasive procedure with minimal downtime, making it a convenient option for those looking for a little extra confidence boost!

If you’re considering dermal fillers, make sure to choose a qualified provider who can address your concerns and guide you through the process. With the right professional and proper aftercare, you’ll be on your way to enjoying a refreshed and revitalized look!

Sunshine Cosmetic Clinic & Medi Spa is a leading clinic for dermal fillers in Kitchener Waterloo area. We offer FDA and Health Canada approved, premium dermal filler brands like Restylane®Juvéderm®Sculptra®, with the latest dermal filler injection techniques. If you are looking for dermal filler injections in Waterloo region, we are happy to assist. Book a complimentary consultation with us today by clicking the button below!

Ready to Experience a transformation?

Combination Of Botox And Dermal Fillers: Why Is It A Good Option?

The natural parts of the aging process are wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Thankfully, we have Botox and dermal fillers, the two popular anti-aging treatment options. Both provide minimally invasive, quick treatment for aging skin with results that can last for several months or more. 

Botox and Dermal Fillers

Usually, people take Botox and dermal filler treatments individually because they work differently. 

Once injected into particular areas, both Botox and dermal fillers create a more youthful appearance. But, how they accomplish this varies pretty significantly. Botox temporarily paralyzes the muscles, which causes creases in your forehead or around your eyes. Paralyzing creates less movement. On the other hand, dermal fillers fill in wrinkles and fine lines, restoring plumpness that tends to diminish with aging. 

Individually, both fillers give good results. But, when they are combined for treating aging problems, they give better results. Experts say that they complement each other in the best way. 

Combination of Botox And Dermal Fillers 

The combination of Botox and dermal fillers benefits because they treat different types of wrinkles. Botox treats dynamic wrinkles, while dermal fillers treat static wrinkles. 

Dynamic wrinkles are caused by repeated facial movements, such as squinting and frowning and static wrinkles are visible when the face is at rest. The major role of dermal fillers is to restore lost volume and help sculpt youthful-looking contours and definition. 

When  fillers treatment of Botox and dermal  are combined, they address multiple areas of the face simultaneously. Experts use Botox around the eyes and forehead and dermal fillers on the middle and lower areas of the face. 

Hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers tends to break down faster in areas of the face that are very active. But, in the combination treatment, Botox relaxes muscle movement, reducing the breaking down speed of the hyaluronic acid. This prolongs the results of anti-aging treatment. 

Benefits of Combining Botox and Dermal Fillers 

  • Total Facial Rejuvenation- As there are no one-size-fits-all injectable for every concern, the combination treatment works the best. It addresses all the problem areas the right way and gives natural-looking results. 


  • Longer Lasting Results– The dermal fillers break down easily around the areas where repetitive movement occurs. Botox relaxes the muscles and prolongs the results of the treatment. 


  • Preventative Care– Dermal fillers boost skin health by improving moisture content, whereas Botox prevents extreme facial movement that makes us look older. So, if you want to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh for a long, the combination of fillers is for you. 


Is The Combination Of Botox And Dermal Fillers The Same For All?

No. The ideal combination of Botox and dermal fillers depends on your age, the intensity of the fine lines and shallows you wish to improve on as well as your personal goals and preferences. The first step in combining these treatments is to visit your aesthetic specialist. 

If you are looking for the combination treatment of Botox and dermal fillers in Kitchener Waterloo area, look no further! Sunshine Cosmetic Clinic & Medi Spa is specialized in this type of advanced anti-aging treatment – also learn more on Liquid Facelift/Soft Lift™ and Sunshine Signature Facial Contouring.

4 Different Types of Dermal Fillers to Restore Youthful Appearance

Dermal filler is soft tissue filler that is injected into the targeted skin area at different depths to help fill in wrinkles, smooth lines, soften creases, provide facial volume, plump lips, or enhance facial contours. These are soft, gel-like substances and composed of different substances; some of them are naturally occurring, while others are synthetic. 

When receiving this facial rejuvenation treatment, always make sure that you choose only Health Canada Approved, brand-name fillers. 

Here are the four primary types of dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation that help achieve a younger appearance:

  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring slippery substance that your skin already produces. However, as you age, the production of hyaluronic acid slows down, leading to loss of volume, hydration, and plumpness in your skin. There is where HA fillers come into the picture. 

  1. HA fillers help hydrate your skin, add plumpness to it, and add facial volume. 
  2. The results of HA fillers last for about 6 to 12 months or longer. 
  3. Juvéderm® and Restylane® are FDA-approved fillers.
  • Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHa) Fillers

Calcium Hydroxylapatite is another naturally-occurring substance found mainly in our bones. This substance is also known to stimulate natural collagen production. In a CaHA filler, calcium particles are very small and suspended in a smooth gel. CaHA fillers have thicker consistency than HA fillers. 

  1. CaHa is typically used to reduce deeper lines and wrinkles. 
  2. The results of CaHA fillers last for about 12 months for most people. 
  3. Radiesse® is an FDA-approved CaHa filler.


  • Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) Fillers

Poly-l-lactic acid is a biocompatible biodegradable synthetic substance, which means it is safe to use. It has been used in the medical industry for several years in medical devices, such as dissolvable stitches. A PLLA filler is technically classified as a collagen stimulator because it helps smooth fine lines by stimulating your skin to build natural collagen. The filler itself is dissolved and dissipates a few days after the treatment. 

  1. PLLA fillers are used to treat deeper facial wrinkles.
  2. Its results can last more than 2 years. 
  3. A popular FDA-approved PLLA filler is Sculptra® Aesthetic. 
  • Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Fillers

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) filler is a synthetic biocompatible filler, which also contains a naturally-occurring substance called collagen. When using this dermal filler, PMMA takes a form of a micro ball, that remains under the skin indefinitely to provide support, structure, and firmness to the skin. 

  • PMMA fillers are used to treat medium to deep wrinkles, folds, and furrows, especially nasolabial folds.
  • The effects of PMMA can last up to 4 or 5 years
  • A commonly recommended FDA-approved PMMA filler is Bellafill®. 

The type of dermal filler you need depends on the specific issue you wish to address and other factors. At Sunshine Cosmetic Clinic and Medi Spa, we offer 10+ dermal filler injection treatments, including lip filler, chin filler, cheek filler, tear trough filler, nasolabial folds filler, Botox combined treatments, advanced dermal fillers, and more. To find out what type of dermal filler in Kitchener, Waterloo is the right choice for you, schedule a consultation appointment now.

Dermal Filler

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